Part one of my "Miracles of Jesus" series for youth group.
Do you tend to look at people and think “wow they have a lot of potential?” or do you look at them and think “hot mess!”
It’s super easy to think hot mess. Because frankly, we are all a hot mess. We got stuff. We’ve made mistakes. We will make mistakes tomorrow and the next day. We are a hot mess.
But I like to look around the room and think: no this isn’t a room full of kids with tons of baggage. I like to look at you and think “there’s potential here.” God is working on the lives of each one of you and there are great things to come. There is hope for this generation. There is hope for you because of Jesus.
Last week, Pastor Dave had us read some scriptures. One of them was 2 Corinthians 5:17:
Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, the new creation has come: the old has gone, the new is here!
I’ve been thinking a lot of this idea of being “new” – I like new things. I like turning the page in a notebook, and seeing a clean, white page ready to fill. I like using a new Sharpie pen, the point still sharp and pointy. I like the feeling of car after it’s been thoroughly cleaned – it feels new. We are in a new place, it feels good, right? When I think of myself as new- it’s harder to grasp it. I mean, I still look the same.
When Christ enters our life, when we give ourselves to him, he makes us new – every single time. This happens every time we let go of the old stuff, the past, the mistakes, the things we are worrying about and give them to God. And he does not grow tired of us. He wants us to come to him.
We give our stuff to God by praying. When we pray we are communicating to God our feelings and what we need. He already knows what we need. But God wants us to pray because he loves hearing from us. He loves us.
I am doing a bible study right now, where we are going through seven miracles that Jesus did. We’ve already gone through when he turned water into wine, and when he cured the royal official’s son. These are amazing stories to read and study and ponder. This week I read through the story of when Jesus healed in invalid at these healing pools called Bethesa. You can find it in John chapter 5.
Now these pools were pretty powerful. The people believed that when the water stirred that it was the act of angels, and whoever got in the water first would be healed. It doesn’t say whether or not people were truly healed, but people who were disabled came to this pool with the hope of healing. They would wait there for days, years for the chance that the water would stir. One guy, who we only know as the invalid, waited at the pool for 38 years. He had his own mat, and he lay there waiting, and waiting.
Jesus saw this man – I am sure a lot of the people in the area knew him. But when Jesus saw him and figured out that this man had been there for 38 years, he asked, “DO YOU WANT TO GET WELL?”
Guys, is there something that God is stirring in your heart where you know, deep deep down that something isn’t right. Maybe its not as extreme as being paralyzed. What is about that thing that makes you want to hold on to it so tightly? Do you feel safe? Do you love it? Does it love you back? Are you afraid? Is fear holding you back from change.
Jesus asked the invalid – wait, what? When you think of invalid you think of what? Someone without value, without purpose, without hope. Jesus asked this man, “do you WANT to get well?”
Whoa – we have a choice here?
“Sir,” the invalid replied, “I have no one to help me into the pool when the water is stirred. While I am trying to get in, someone else goes down ahead of me.”
We can choose to stay on the mat, waiting for something that may never come. Making excuses – “oh no is helping me” I can’t do it alone. I am scared. I can’t reach I am too short. I am not smart enough, brave enough, strong enough… enough!
We have a choice to stay safe, stay on the mat or say YES! Yes, we want to get well. Yes we want something different. That’s some crazy power in the word yes!
The Jesus said to him, “Get up! Pick up your mat and walk.” At once the man was cured; he picked up his mat and walked.
Wait, what? Just like that? No magic water? The man got up – and not only was he able to walk but he was renewed and energized.
He was a new creation.
I think we can all related to the invalid. The good news is that Jesus died on the cross for us. “For God so loved the world he gave his only son…” We are so loved. Because of that love, we are a new creation.
I know I have negative tapes that play in my head. These tapes are often louder than the truth that God wants for me. How do I turn down the volume? How do I get well?
I believe.
I am loved.
I am chosen.
I am known.
I am a new creation. I am not a hot mess with no potential. God has purpose and meaning and so many great things for each one us. He wants to heal you from the places you get stuck in. The Bible says that you more than a conqueror. You are the apple of God’s eye. You are sought after. You are a joint heir with Christ. You are a child of God.
The Bible is a mirror that enables us to see ourselves for who we really are. But you can’t just take an occasional glance. You need to stare at it until it changes the reflection you see in the mirror.
You have your WHOLE lives ahead of you. You are way too young to let your past stop you from an amazing future.
Do you tend to look at people and think “wow they have a lot of potential?” or do you look at them and think “hot mess!”
It’s super easy to think hot mess. Because frankly, we are all a hot mess. We got stuff. We’ve made mistakes. We will make mistakes tomorrow and the next day. We are a hot mess.
But I like to look around the room and think: no this isn’t a room full of kids with tons of baggage. I like to look at you and think “there’s potential here.” God is working on the lives of each one of you and there are great things to come. There is hope for this generation. There is hope for you because of Jesus.
Last week, Pastor Dave had us read some scriptures. One of them was 2 Corinthians 5:17:
Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, the new creation has come: the old has gone, the new is here!
I’ve been thinking a lot of this idea of being “new” – I like new things. I like turning the page in a notebook, and seeing a clean, white page ready to fill. I like using a new Sharpie pen, the point still sharp and pointy. I like the feeling of car after it’s been thoroughly cleaned – it feels new. We are in a new place, it feels good, right? When I think of myself as new- it’s harder to grasp it. I mean, I still look the same.
When Christ enters our life, when we give ourselves to him, he makes us new – every single time. This happens every time we let go of the old stuff, the past, the mistakes, the things we are worrying about and give them to God. And he does not grow tired of us. He wants us to come to him.
We give our stuff to God by praying. When we pray we are communicating to God our feelings and what we need. He already knows what we need. But God wants us to pray because he loves hearing from us. He loves us.
I am doing a bible study right now, where we are going through seven miracles that Jesus did. We’ve already gone through when he turned water into wine, and when he cured the royal official’s son. These are amazing stories to read and study and ponder. This week I read through the story of when Jesus healed in invalid at these healing pools called Bethesa. You can find it in John chapter 5.
Now these pools were pretty powerful. The people believed that when the water stirred that it was the act of angels, and whoever got in the water first would be healed. It doesn’t say whether or not people were truly healed, but people who were disabled came to this pool with the hope of healing. They would wait there for days, years for the chance that the water would stir. One guy, who we only know as the invalid, waited at the pool for 38 years. He had his own mat, and he lay there waiting, and waiting.
Jesus saw this man – I am sure a lot of the people in the area knew him. But when Jesus saw him and figured out that this man had been there for 38 years, he asked, “DO YOU WANT TO GET WELL?”
Guys, is there something that God is stirring in your heart where you know, deep deep down that something isn’t right. Maybe its not as extreme as being paralyzed. What is about that thing that makes you want to hold on to it so tightly? Do you feel safe? Do you love it? Does it love you back? Are you afraid? Is fear holding you back from change.
Jesus asked the invalid – wait, what? When you think of invalid you think of what? Someone without value, without purpose, without hope. Jesus asked this man, “do you WANT to get well?”
Whoa – we have a choice here?
“Sir,” the invalid replied, “I have no one to help me into the pool when the water is stirred. While I am trying to get in, someone else goes down ahead of me.”
We can choose to stay on the mat, waiting for something that may never come. Making excuses – “oh no is helping me” I can’t do it alone. I am scared. I can’t reach I am too short. I am not smart enough, brave enough, strong enough… enough!
We have a choice to stay safe, stay on the mat or say YES! Yes, we want to get well. Yes we want something different. That’s some crazy power in the word yes!
The Jesus said to him, “Get up! Pick up your mat and walk.” At once the man was cured; he picked up his mat and walked.
Wait, what? Just like that? No magic water? The man got up – and not only was he able to walk but he was renewed and energized.
He was a new creation.
I think we can all related to the invalid. The good news is that Jesus died on the cross for us. “For God so loved the world he gave his only son…” We are so loved. Because of that love, we are a new creation.
I know I have negative tapes that play in my head. These tapes are often louder than the truth that God wants for me. How do I turn down the volume? How do I get well?
I believe.
I am loved.
I am chosen.
I am known.
I am a new creation. I am not a hot mess with no potential. God has purpose and meaning and so many great things for each one us. He wants to heal you from the places you get stuck in. The Bible says that you more than a conqueror. You are the apple of God’s eye. You are sought after. You are a joint heir with Christ. You are a child of God.
The Bible is a mirror that enables us to see ourselves for who we really are. But you can’t just take an occasional glance. You need to stare at it until it changes the reflection you see in the mirror.
You have your WHOLE lives ahead of you. You are way too young to let your past stop you from an amazing future.