I started to write a Facebook post about my day, and it became too long. So, I am sharing it here because I don't want to waste all those beautiful words. (Sarcasm.) Enjoy. I am sure you will clearly see why its here and not on FB. Or maybe you will see why I should have deleted it altogether.
I've been a working maniac. I am on my 8th full day of working in a row and I am feeling the tiredness. I was going to try to take part of today off, but GUESS WHAT!? Dave and I were woken up by someone pounding on the front door. Dave answered it ('cause I wasn't about to get up), and it was a road construction guy. He was there to inform us we had 10 minutes to leave the house before the road would be closed. 10 MINUTES! That's not enough time to pee. Well, maybe to pee, but not much else. Yes, we knew the day was coming, but we didn't know which day. I get up, quickly put on a workout outfit, feed the cats (because I know better than to leave Dave with the task) and jump in my car. Dave, well, he had to reschedule with a client, and has been trapped at the house all day. Oh and he is fuming. He said he wrote a letter to the President and signed it with my dad's name. I think he was kidding. Well, I got to work at 8:30am with coffee in hand. Apparently, a lot of people come to work at that time - y'know, on time. I never know, since I usually come in around 10am. And since I was dressed so comfy, I totally cleaned my office space, organized weeks and weeks worth of event stuff that was making piles in my office area and I took care of tons of stuff I've been avoiding. I feel very accomplished. #accomplished I also set up new speakers and am rocking out to the "Sunday Morning Drive to Church" Amazon Prime Playlist. Tomorrow is a fun 12-hour day at the church with the start of my Tuesday Night Lifegroup (aka WLG) and I am really, really praying for the energy, enthusiasm and focus to make it through! I just heard there are over 40 amazing women signed up for the group. AWESOME. So, even though I am tired, I am happy. And even though I really, really wish I could go home and go to sleep, I am happy my office looks nice and clean. And I love this playlist.
I've been a working maniac. I am on my 8th full day of working in a row and I am feeling the tiredness. I was going to try to take part of today off, but GUESS WHAT!? Dave and I were woken up by someone pounding on the front door. Dave answered it ('cause I wasn't about to get up), and it was a road construction guy. He was there to inform us we had 10 minutes to leave the house before the road would be closed. 10 MINUTES! That's not enough time to pee. Well, maybe to pee, but not much else. Yes, we knew the day was coming, but we didn't know which day. I get up, quickly put on a workout outfit, feed the cats (because I know better than to leave Dave with the task) and jump in my car. Dave, well, he had to reschedule with a client, and has been trapped at the house all day. Oh and he is fuming. He said he wrote a letter to the President and signed it with my dad's name. I think he was kidding. Well, I got to work at 8:30am with coffee in hand. Apparently, a lot of people come to work at that time - y'know, on time. I never know, since I usually come in around 10am. And since I was dressed so comfy, I totally cleaned my office space, organized weeks and weeks worth of event stuff that was making piles in my office area and I took care of tons of stuff I've been avoiding. I feel very accomplished. #accomplished I also set up new speakers and am rocking out to the "Sunday Morning Drive to Church" Amazon Prime Playlist. Tomorrow is a fun 12-hour day at the church with the start of my Tuesday Night Lifegroup (aka WLG) and I am really, really praying for the energy, enthusiasm and focus to make it through! I just heard there are over 40 amazing women signed up for the group. AWESOME. So, even though I am tired, I am happy. And even though I really, really wish I could go home and go to sleep, I am happy my office looks nice and clean. And I love this playlist.